Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tumor breaks the skin

Don't be afraid when viewing this first picture.

I'm healthy and have been told by my nutritionist, a cancer specialist, who cured himself of blood, bone and stomach cancer through diet only, that he assures me that the worst thing that will happen is that I will lose my breast.

I exercise, laugh, work all day, sleep great, eat lots of raw fats such as unpasteurized cream, butter, cheese and milk - yes, they are illegal everywhere, but I manage to get my hands on them. Raw fats are soothing to cancer conditions and assist the body to protect itself from the huge levels of toxicity that exist when a person has cancer. The toxins store in the fat, the fatty foods calm the nervous system, and have made me fat and dare I say it, happy.

Yes, my grim moments of desperation are short and to the point. Some tears, loud outcries of rage, sadness and horror at what I have made of my breast.

Taking the responsibility that is mine. Smoking for twenty years, living in polluted cities, staying up late and eating crap for years, living in relationships that were not authentic, taking on responsibilities that were not mine to carry, for years, too gutless to stand up and say, hey, that's yours, and this is mine. Working in the sex industry for reasons that weren't justifiable. Sacrificing my one body, having to split my mind from my emotions from my body as I sold my skin and my services to paying men. Some women actually like the job, but I wasn't one of them.

That was a long time ago but still, they say, a tumor this big takes decades to formulate.

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