Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bacteria and Cancer

According to certain science, cancer and many other diseases arise in the human body because internal levels of bacteria have declined drastically. This dearth of the little critters is due to several factors, not least, the overwhelming use of antibiotics prescribed by doctors at the drop of a hat.

In my childhood and then in my early twenties, I swallowed copious strains of antibiotics for many infections, bugs, whatevers. I worked in the sex industry for a year at 22 years of age. In the brothels not the street, I was too chicken for that, besides its cold out there, and I didn't want to be on show. Every two weeks, we were required to visit the sexually transmitted diseases clinic in Macquarie St. for checkups, and to obtain a note from the doctor that said we were clean. If we had caught something, we were not allowed back to work and had to take the treatments and wait for word when we could return. Usually it was 3 days to a week for the drugs to do the deed.

In that year, I contracted clamydia, gonnoreah, various yeast infections, sometimes more than once. I never forced a condom on a client, if he asked for it I would offer it, sometimes, if I didn't like the look of him, I'd bring it out and tear it open, some would acquiece, others would cajole to not have to wear it. It was Sydney, a few years before the letters HIV were slapped across every second Sydney bus hurtling down main city streets. We were ignorant and alive and I preferred to have the least conflict possible in the rooms. I wanted them to like me because I'd had such insecurity growing up about my attractiveness to men, sometimes I feel it still, even though I know intellectually that I have a beauty no one could deny.

So, I would take the antibiotics and more often than not, knowing I was a sex worker and chomping at the bit to go back to work as soon as possible, because somehow, the profession does that to you, it makes you want to keep going, night after night, collecting the dollars, right up until dawn, when at the end of shift, the receptionist opens the safe behind the counter and counts out your cut of the evening.

I loved that money. Cash. I would take cabs home even though I only lived a fifteen minute walk away, but by 5 am I'd be dead tired, it was sometimes hard to walk, after climbing the Pink Flamingo's three flights of stairs 8 - 10 times a night. It was a busy place, in a charming street, in Kings Cross.

The doctor at the STD clinic knew that working girls just wanted to work, so he'd make sure to hand over the latest, greatest strain of antibiotics that was assured to kill the issue in 2 - 3 days. It was thrilling to know these serious conditions could be dealt with so quickly. The only problem was, 3 days without work found me spending, spending, spending. Grams of hash, the most expensive cheese in the most expensive supermarket in town, clothes, taxis everywhere, packets of Indonesian cigarettes, breakfast lunch and dinner out, gifts for my housemates and by the time the fourth day would arrive, I'd be broke.

In just one year of this, I managed to kill all the good bacteria in my stomach, and all my digestive problems started after that.

As part of my cancer treatment, and according to studies done on mice in a Canadian university (email me for the citation) e-coli when fed to these mice would result in the dissolution of their brain tumors.

I was advised to buy buffalo shit. Not just any old buffalo shit. I had to find the intestines of a buffalo that was 'organic', clean, living in a non-toxic environment. A woman helped me and some others with cancer obtain what we needed. Over the course of two years, I bought intestines three to four times a year. $60 bucks a pop, including shipping. It would arrive overnight delivery to my place of work. I could smell the shit seeping out from the box, and from her clever attempts at wrapping it well. Did the delivery man notice? How did the package manage to arrive without the authorities invervening?

Back home, I removed all the plastic, cut the intestines into smaller pieces and stored them in two glass jars. Then, I put them in a cooler an left them outside. When I summoned the courage, I would pull the intestines out, onto a bread board and slice through the thick, cartilige like tissue until the grasslike excrement revealed itself. Then, I would take one to two tablespoons down my throat, first holding my nose, then later, just holding my breath. As I gained experience, I saw that the fresher the intestines were the easier the shit was to swallow, because it still looked like moist grass and didn't taste or smell like shit. If I left them out there for a week, two or three, the grassy texture would meld down into a wet mass of slime with some substance and it was harder to get down.

The results were astounding. Within ten minutes, I felt high, a light-headed, joyful feeling. Surprise, surprise, this remedy was also prescribed for paranoid schizophrenia. I read the testimony of a man who had been a severe schizo for years, and when he started eating jars full of buffalo or cow shit, he found his illness stopped completely and normality returned. Whenever he stopped eating the shit, symptoms would return and he'd have to eat it again.

This isn't a joke, it's about the lack of bacteria throughout the body. Bacteria that is needed to clean up mutant tissue, scar tissue, damaged cells and so on. Without these critters, the damaged tissue collects and builds up and all kinds of problems arise. Believe me or not.

Within a few days, I noticed the ease with which I could shit. Elimination became a 2 second experience, and I really emptied out fast and completely. This reversed twenty something years of constipation. I thought that would never change, I thought I was wired that way.

Another problem when a person has cancer is that, the body is overloaded with toxins. Bacteria cannot live around toxins too long because these chemicals poison them and they die. When a person is relatively healthy, bacteria can live and do its work. This is why, I had to introduce it into my system intermittenly. This e-coli was needed to help break down the cancer cells, break down the tumor.

People I knew thought I was crazy, but to me, it seemed okay. I still felt it was a better alternative to chemo, radiation and surgery. That's just me.

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