Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Physically Immortal Living Makes Tumor into one big Nothing

Being physically immortal means outliving disease and death and that's what I am doing.

The experience is more than words, more than a declaration. It's a feeling, a ruthless decision made with my whole body: mind, soul, heart, that I refuse to die and no tumor, cancer, malignancy, doctor's fear, can intimidate me out of this ruthlessness.

The tumor is serious, I'm losing my breast. However, my life has been saved. I cannot lose my life, no matter what I may experience. Like, right now, and for the past 6 months or so, I have felt less energy and slight dizziness when bending or squatting over and getting up suddenly. I have to sit down at times after some exertion that really wasn't much of an exertion a year ago. It has troubled me, because I am a high energy person, going all day from one thing to the next.

Yet, when I spoke to my nutritionist about it, he told me that because the tumor is such a large wound, my body has to use every nutrient and every bit of energy available to deal with its dissolution. He advised me to accept it, and to rest more and keep the exercise up but do less of the strenous exercise and more of the gentle sort.

He told me that when the tumor was gone, and the area was healed, that my energy would return. He knows this because he has experienced it himself. That to me is the greatest benefit of being under the care of a practitioner who has actually cured himself of the problem I have to face. This person knows it can be beaten because he did it. And he did it through his own, long term experimentation with food until he arrived at raw foods and discovered an improvement in his body's response.

I'm getting away from the initial point of today's blog. I was with my girlfriend tonight, Susanna, she's a living doll, beautiful, focused, warm, fun, sexy and smart. She has a horse and rides it, even in the Arizona summer nights. And she told me to write about how bright and happy I am living our physically immmortal life, and how this daily experiencing of joy reduces the tumor experience to nothing.

I always felt, from the very beginning, that a lump, no matter how dangerous, cannot take over my body. I am a huge person, not only tall and chunky, from all the raw fat I've consumed over the years, and the raw meat, feel those muscles baby!, but how small that tumor is.

It's a collection of environmental and other polluntant toxins and inner chemicals I've produced over the years with my over emotionality and inauthentic living. The stuff formed together into a mutant flesh-rock, and damaged my breast tissue, and probably quite a few nerves and muscles too. Nevertheless, it's now dissolving, disappearing, taking all that rot with it, and I will be left with the rest of me, the rest of me that is whole. Yes, something will be missing, until the day I regenerate the area and I believe that day will come.

I am whole, and this sensation of unity is real, perhaps for the first time ever, following all those years of duality, drug addiction, drama repetition and melancholia.

This is the greatest day of my life because I am trembling with joy with the aliveness I feel.

With this attitude, this heart and mind, this flesh, nothing will take me away from myself or from you.

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