Saturday, January 2, 2010

Arsenal of Attack - Morning Milkshake

I have my arsenal in place. My arsenal of attack. Raw milk shake in the morning with raw egg, frozen berries, raw coconut cream, raw honey. Oh, the delicious taste as it shimmers down my throat. And the nutritional richness of no pasteurization, Adding fat to every cell, removing toxins and storing them safely, away from the organs. Feeding me giving me energy to continue with this treatment, it's a long one, and at times can be disheartening, yet, I have no other choice because I am free of death, I am no longer programmed to kill myself and blame a disease. I am taking the responsbility to reverse what I created.
It's the best life there is.


  1. Every river finds its own path. Looks like you found yours! I was moved by your writing and your story.


  2. Your name from so long ago popped into my head and i googled away. What a surprise to find you had gone to america to sell them aussie drugs! Makes me smile every time I think about it. Best thing to do to the 'master race'. Enough of my contempt of all things USA. Just wanted to say i admire your work to rid yourself of cancer naturally. And to point you to the products on this website: I have been dealing with skin cancers for two decades and have used their products very successfully. Maybe you can find some help there. Good luck.

  3. thanks but who are you why say you're anonymous.....believe me its no master race

  4. what a brave woman you are! what kind of alternative treatment did you get to heal your breast tumor? was it solely on diet program? thanks for your sharing!!

  5. Looks like she did not win! So many months have passed and no new posts in this blog. Rest in peace.

  6. Do we (sadly) have a candidate for

  7. Found this Aug. 3, 2010 posting on her Facebook page. She was still alive as of then.

    Injy, former Down Under partner of Roger and Phl, has been fighting breast cancer for a number of years now and is returning to Australia this weekend to seek medical treatment and be near family. She has incurred many expenses in dealing with her illness and could now use all of our help.

    If you can help, in any way, to help in covering some of her expenses we would be very grateful. Please ask Phll or Roger about making a donation...
    and thank you again.

