Saturday, September 12, 2009

Joyful Skin

Make it okay to live and outlive any physical issues that arise. You have the right to overcome these things. I've taken my right, my place in this world. I've spoken words that have led me through something known as breast cancer, a disease of the whole body that manifests itself in a collected mass of waste and toxins. If I were to have the tumor analysed, what would the laboratory find?

Decades of self destructive thoughts, thoughts that made it cool to hurt myself in a myriad of ways, on a daily basis.
Overcooked food from take away bars and restaurants, double dead meat and vegetables and all that bread, a lifetime of raisin toast and grilled cheese. Imagine my gut trying to deal with it all, day in and day out.
A tendency to melancholia, mild or constant depression and cynicism being a natural part of my family's character. Yes the world positions some of us this way, while others keep the optimistic eye on the horizon.
Living in a highly polluted city for a very long time.
Smoking tars and cigarettes for over 20 years.
Using pharmaceuticals and antibiotics and being vaccinated as a baby and child and having vaccines injected into me before my travels to Asia.
I think that covers it.

And now, I am a joyful body, alive and full of threat. I'm here to threaten the dominant paradigm that sees and feels death is inevitable. The mindset that hears the word 'cancer' and understands that to equal death.

I'm here to show you how joy is the natural condition of every cell, how I can decide to live this way, when sadness comes I will feel it and then move on to the knowing of my skin and bones, they're strong and waiting to move and stretch and conquer this terrible, negative, death oriented world full of separation and cruelty. It's a glamorous world too, creative, colorful, sweet smelling, with oceans to throw myself in, and people to amaze myself with.

i'm choosing physical immortality. An environment of people based in Scottsdale Arizona, focused with People Unlimited, a business that makes it their business to motivate people to end death in all its sneaky ways. It's so much fun to shine a light on the sneak. Watch it duck for cover as we unveil the deadliness of its form and actions. I love the irritation on its face, the glare of our glory. We have only to speak the words to end it all, in ourselves and each other.

Watch disease retreat, misery explode to nothing, intimacy envelop our bodies with annointed inspiration.
All of this is how I feel and what I think, in the midst of a rotting breast, fungus smelling tumor being reduced to nothing by millions of years of bodily intelligence. How else can I explain how and why this body is dissolving the tumor by the presence of yeast cells, covering the dead lump and eating away at it day by day.

Its a miracle its a true heaven right here alive and physical walking on two feet eyes wide open lauging crying ouliving forgiving, myself and all others too.

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